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HomeNewsMore police to be on roads during month of May

More police to be on roads during month of May

More police will be on the roads in May to do dangerous driving enforcement.

RCMP say it’s High-Risk Driving Month in the province. They say around 114 die on B.C. roads every year because of high-risk driving. This includes around 18 people on Vancouver Island.

May 21 is considered National Impaired Driving Enforcement Day, according to police.

Police say distracted driving can be seen as:

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  • Speeding/excessive speed
  • Impaired driving
  • Distracted driving
  • Following too closely
  • Driving without paying attention
  • Illegal passing
  • Racing

BC Highway Patrol Chief Supt. Holly Turton says drivers can keep themselves and others safe by slowing down and obeying speed limits, wearing a seatbelt, driving defensively and being sober and free of distractions.

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