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HomeNewsCowichan School Sells Pierogies to Raise Money for Ukraine

Cowichan School Sells Pierogies to Raise Money for Ukraine

A school in North Cowichan is selling pierogies to raise money for relief efforts in Ukraine.

Ecole Mt. Prevost principal, Ian Zibin, says the inspiration came from two students with Ukrainian heritage who began selling bracelets to raise money for relief efforts.

He says members the grade seven ambassadors program pitched in to help, and “bracelets were being sold in the morning, the afternoon, and even after school” to fellow students and generating funds for humanitarian aid for Ukraine.

Zibin says when Fatima Dasilva of Nourish Cowichan heard about it, she wanted to help.

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He says they share space with Nourish Cowichan and she wanted to do something to benefit the humanitarian aid in Ukraine and came up with the idea of making a thousand pierogies.

According to Zibin, they “ended up with three thousand pierogies, and the goal was to package them in bags of ten and it would be ten dollars per bag.”

He says the pierogies looked so good, some were purchased by the volunteers that made them, but there are plenty more that will be sold through the school starting on Monday.

Zibin says their fundraising goal is five-thousand dollars.

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