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HomeNewsBC Ferries introduces online foot passenger bookings on major routes

BC Ferries introduces online foot passenger bookings on major routes

Starting today, BC Ferries foot passengers can book their tickets online for major routes connecting Vancouver Island and the mainland.

Routes include Tsawwassen – Swartz Bay, Tsawwassen – Duke Point and Horseshoe Bay – Departure Bay.

If you book in advance, you can redeem their booking using a self-serve kiosk or with a ticket agent in the foot passenger departures area of the Tsawwassen, Swartz Bay, Horseshoe Bay, Departure Bay and Duke Point terminals. 

BC Ferries says there’s no additional charge for foot passengers to book in advance. 

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Seniors and students can also book foot passenger fares online with a credit card, Visa Debit or Debit Mastercard to hold their booking and check-in with a ticket agent at the terminal to redeem their fare. 

Seniors and students must redeem their booking via the ticket agent, because seniors need to provide proof of age and students need to provide proof they are entitled to the student discount.

Customers can safely redeem prepaid foot passenger bookings for adults and children for the current sailing using the kiosks, allowing for limited contact between customers and employees, including customers booking in advance on the Tsawwassen – Southern Gulf Islands route. 

Some foot passenger fares are only redeemable by the Ticket Agent and customers will be provided these instructions in their booking confirmation document.

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BC Ferries will initially limit the number of foot passenger bookings available. 

If the website shows no foot passenger bookings available, it doesn’t mean there is no space available. 

You’re still able to arrive at the terminal and purchase a foot passenger fare without booking in advance.

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