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‘It’s not just flat, the curve is sloping down’: Island Health Chief Medical Officer

Vancouver Island’s COVID-19 curve isn’t just flattening, it’s going down.

 So says Island Health’s Chief Medical Health Officer Dr. Richard Stanwick, who told Vista Radio that he’s thrilled with the latest developments.

“Our most recent modeling and this is from just the last couple of days, for 10 people who would have the virus, they’re passing it on only to seven (others), so that means the slope of the curve is heading down, not up,” Dr. Stanwick said. 

“So it’s not just flat, the curve is sloping down, which is where we want to see it.”

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Dr. Stanwick added that he believes the current travel restrictions are working.

He says only two percent of the cases that the island has seen in the past seven days were associated with BC travel.

Stanwick added that new case counts are also trending in the right direction.

He says new cases are dipping to numbers not seen since the fall.

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“Very much pleased by the fact that we’ve now driven our average case count for the last seven days to below 20, and that’s a real accomplishment,” he said this morning, before this afternoon’s provincial COVID briefing. “We haven’t seen numbers like that since probably October of last year and that has really flattened the curve.”

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