With a byelection to replace former North Cowichan councillor Debra Toporowski closing in residents will get to talk one-on-one with candidates in the coming days.
At least two events are slated to begin starting tomorrow (Mar. 18) and all five candidates have agreed to attend and answer questions from the public.
The first one is set to be hosted by the Maple Bay Community Association, doors open at 6 p.m., and will be held at Maple Bay Fire Hall.
The second will be hosted by the Birkley’s Corner Collective, at the Duncan Curling Club on Mar. 29, from 2 to 4 p.m.
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Candidates running to replace Toporowski include; David Bellis, Raymon Farmere, Becky Hogg, Johanne Kemmler, and Joanna Lord.