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HomeNewsCowichan ValleyCVRD to simplify zoning laws, looks for feedback from the public

CVRD to simplify zoning laws, looks for feedback from the public

The CVRD is asking the public to give feedback on a new Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw that would merge bylaws from all nine electoral areas into one. 

They say this new bylaw is one step towards their Modernized Official Community plan and will make applying for development permits more efficient. 

Ian Morrison, Chair of the Electoral Area Services Committee says they aim to make it “easier, more efficient, and more cost-effective for residents, builders and developers, and businesses.” 

“This process has been years in the making, and we’re excited to show residents how this will make zoning less complicated for everyone,” he adds. 

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CVRD staff will be on hand at the Duncan Famer’s market on September 28th and October 5th to share information and speak with residents 

You can also give feedback through an online survey on Plan Your Cowichan. 

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