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HomeNewsCowichan ValleyAAP in Ladysmith Rejects Borrowing Plan for New Town Hall

AAP in Ladysmith Rejects Borrowing Plan for New Town Hall

Ladysmith’s plan to borrow 13.5-Million dollars to construct a new town hall on Buller Street and 1st Avenue has been rejected in the Alternative Approval Process.

There were more than 21-hundred valid response forms submitted before the June 25 deadline showing over 28 per cent of electors in Ladysmith were opposed to the loan authorization bylaw.

The provincial rules for the Alternative Approval Process required the town to have less than 741 responses for the borrowing bylaw to be approved.

Mayor Aaron Stone says they respect the results of the process and will carefully consider next steps.

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Mayor Stone says they are committed to moving forward and exploring alternative solutions that align with the needs and priorities of our staff and community as a whole.

Council will receive the certified AAP results at their next regular meeting on Tuesday.

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