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HomeNewsWalk-ins available at Island Health immunization clinics

Walk-ins available at Island Health immunization clinics

Island Health is making it easier to get a COVID vaccine.

People 18 and older can now get a shot at an Island Health mass immunization clinic, without an appointment.

Walk-ins are for first doses only. 

The availability of walk-in appointments depends on the daily vaccine supply available at each clinic. 

Just some of the clinic sites include the Campbell River Community Centre, Glacier Gardens Arena at CFB Comox, Cowichan Community Centre Gym in Duncan, and the Beban Park Recreation Centre in Nanaimo.

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Clinic list. (Supplied by Island Health)

To ensure your vaccination appointment, you can register and book your appointment through the province’s Get Vaccinated system.

Anyone wanting a second dose has to book an appointment through the province’s Get Vaccinated booking system.

With vaccine supply ramping up, Island Health is able to provide a limited number of walk-in appointments each day at the clinics, and expand the number of appointments available for booking across the island. 

Youth between the ages of 12 and 17 can book an appointment for first dose immunization or accompany a sibling or adult to their scheduled appointment.

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  • For more information about Island Health clinic locations and hours: www.IslandHealth.ca
  • To register or book a vaccination appointment please go to www.getvaccinated.gov.bc.ca.
  • For answers to common questions about the COVID-19 vaccines go to www.immunizebc.ca
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