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HomeNewsSpring or Summer Election Unpopular Choices

Spring or Summer Election Unpopular Choices

Having a spring or summer election in Canada would be overwhelmingly unpopular, but two-thirds of Canadians say going to the polls between September and December would be acceptable.

A new survey by the Angus Reid Institute found that Canadians are focused on the end of the pandemic and consider a spring election to be too early.

Two-thirds also say calling an election for the summer would be inappropriate.

The Conservative Party of Canada will hold a policy convention this week and the Angus Reid Institute says that only “29 per cent of Canadians have a favourable view of Erin O’Toole, while positive perceptions of Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh hover in the mid 40’s.”

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However, ARI says 49 percent of Canadians feel it’s time to switch governing parties in Ottawa.

That sentiment is led almost entirely by past Conservative voters (88%), while at least one-in-three past NDP and Green voters agree that a change in government is needed.

Less than 20 per cent of those who supported the Liberals in 2019 say it’s time for a change.

Overall, 35-percent of Canadians disagree that a different governing party is needed.

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Other findings of the survey:

  • Current vote intention finds the Liberal Party holding a four-point advantage over the CPC (35% to 31%), while the NDP is chosen by 19 per cent.
  • Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has an approval rating of 45 per cent, unchanged from February.
  • Erin O’Toole’s favourability with 2019 CPC voters is 64 per cent. Comparatively, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh holds a favourability of 85 per cent and Justin Trudeau has an approval rating of 81 per cent among their party’s 2019 voters.
  • Older Canadians are less inclined to head to the polls this year. Those 65 years of age and older are least likely to say that an election at any point in 2021 would be inappropriate compared to younger residents.
  • The Liberal Party has a 15-point vote intention advantage in the Greater Toronto Area and Metro Vancouver. In Greater Montreal, 47 per cent would vote for the Liberals and just 10 per cent for the CPC.
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