BC Transit is asking bus riders the Cowichan Valley to enter through the rear doors when boarding.
It also announced that fares will not be charged for the next 30 days.
Using the rear doors to enter and exit buses will help to reduce the risk of drivers being exposed to COVID-19 and enhance social distancing.
Passengers can still use the front door if they require the ramp or other accessible features of transit buses.
Transit users requiring the Cowichan Valley Commuter, Route 44 to Victoria, handyDART and community buses will continue to use the single entry front door.
BC Transit says it is unable to process refund requests for March transit passes or semester passes, but they will be accepted for a period of time after payment of regular fares resumes.
Service on the Cowichan Valley routes is not being reduced at this time, but users are encouraged people to stay up to date for daily advisories at the Cowichan Valley page of BC Transit’s website.