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HomeNewsProvince buying Grace Islet to prevent development

Province buying Grace Islet to prevent development

The province is stepping in to buy Grace Islet.

The small island off Salt Spring is the site of a First Nations burial ground, and plans for a private home on the property sparked angry protests.

According to a release from the government they’re working with local First Nations and the Nature Conservancy of Canada to put together a deal.  The statement says there are also ecological reasons for securing the land, including Garry oak forest, rare coastal Douglas fir and sensitive intertidal habitat.

“The Nature Conservancy of Canada is honoured to be part of a solution that will see the protection and conservation of the significant cultural heritage and ecological values on Grace Islet. We look forward to working with the Province and First Nations on restoring and stewarding this very special place,” says Linda Hannah of the Conservancy .

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The province has not revealed the purchase price.

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