BC Ferries is putting extra Saturday sailings on the Crofton – Vesuvius route after a generator problem knocked the Skeena Queen out of service early Friday, leaving only one ship operating between the main Island and Salt Spring.
The Skeena Queen serves the Swartz Bay – Fulford Harbour route.
Ferries says they don’t expect it to be back in service until Saturday evening.
A water taxi service will be in place operating on the current posted schedule, taking foot passengers between the government docks at Fulford Harbour and Swartz Bay.
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The following additional sailings are being added between Crofton and Vesuvius for Saturday January 10, 2015:
6:00 am exiting Vesuvius
6:30 am exiting Crofton
7:40 am exiting Vesuvius
8:15 am exiting Crofton