Mercedes-Benz Canada and the Port of Nanaimo are celebrating their new partnership with regards to the vehicle processing centre.
Brian Fulton, President, and CEO of Mercedes-Benz Canada said the company has a longstanding commitment to the West Coast and the new facility represents a new era for their operations, allowing B.C.-bound vehicles to travel an efficient all-water highway.
Mercedes-Benz Canada’s dealer network includes 59 dealerships, eleven of which are located in B.C.
Mercedes-Benz passenger cars, SUVs, and vans will travel from the EU to the Port of Brunswick in Georgia in the U.S., where Sprinter vans will be collected from the company’s U.S. factory, before continuing on through the Panama Canal and up North America’s western coast to Nanaimo.
The Port of Nanaimo says the economic impact to Nanaimo and the Vancouver Island region is significant and the GDP Economic Development boost is projected at better than 52 million dollars.