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HomeNewsElection 2014: Duncan/North Cow voters support amalgamation study

Election 2014: Duncan/North Cow voters support amalgamation study

Voters in Duncan and North Cowichan seem to like the idea of studying an amalgamation.  Questions on the issue were part of the ballot Saturday.

Here’s the break down from Duncan (data courtesy Civic Info BC)

Question Passed Votes For Votes Against
1. Are you in favour of spending time and resources to study the costs and benefits of the amalgamation of the municipalities of North Cowichan and the City of Duncan? YES 554 502
2. Are you in favour of spending time and resources to study the options, costs, and benefits of realignment of the existing boundaries of the City of Duncan, either separately, or together with an amalgamation study? YES 567 480

In North Cowichan there was only one question on the issue, but it also got voter support.

Question Passed Votes For Votes Against
1. OPINION QUESTION: Are you in favour of conducting a study to explore the costs and benefits of the amalgamation of the municipalities of North Cowichan and Duncan? YES 4446 2065
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