The NDP ferries critic is shaking her head at the Transportation Minister’s response to a Union of BC Municipalities report on BC Ferries.
It says BC’s economy has suffered a 2.3-billion dollar hit because of rising fares and sailing cuts.
Todd Stone has blasted the report as, speculative, inaccurate and showing “very little knowledge about the operation of ferry services.” Now, North Island MLA Claire Trevena is firing back at Stone.
Trevena says she’ll be there when the report comes up Tuesday and Wednesday at the UBCM AGM in Whistler. Delegates are expected to call for fares and service levels to be restored to 2013 levels. The report also recommends recognizing BC Ferries as part of the highway system, and working with coastal communities on a long-term strategy.
See Stone’s letter to UBCM here: StoneResponse and Trevena’s response to Stone here: TrevenaLetter