ParentsĀ at Cowichan Preschool have a number of safety concerns after multiple needles have been found on preschool property.
Natalie MacGregor is a member of the Cowichan Preschool Board. She says it started with just one needle last year, but the situation continued to worsen.
She says they are doing as much as they can to keep the area safe and clean, but more needs to be done.
The board is proposing an 8-foot fence surrounding the preschool, as well as a locked gate to prohibit access to the property after hours. MacGregor says the cost of putting up a fence will be between 12 and 15 thousand dollars, and once they get approval from the city,Ā fundraising will begin.
She says this issue is something that needs to be dealt with on a community level, as its not just Cowichan Preschool that is experiencing this issue.